When Was Your Last Checkup?

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield |

Checkups, or preventive exams, give you and your doctor a snapshot of your health. They also give you a chance to talk to your doctor about any problems or questions you have, all before you’re ever sick. 

What to expect. 

Most checkups start with a talk about your health history and any problems you may have. After that, most doctors will talk to you about things like: 

• Medicines you take. 

• How you eat – and how you could eat better. 

• How active you are – and whether you should be more active. 

• Drinking, smoking, and drug use. 

• Stress in your life or signs of depression. 

• Safety, like wearing your seat belt and using sunscreen. 

• Your sexual habits and any risks they pose. 

• Tests and shots you may need. 

Get more from your exam. 

When you’re prepared for your checkup, it helps both you and your doctor. Make some notes about your health before your visit and be sure to write down things like: 

• Your health history and your family’s, especially if anything has changed since your last visit. 

• Any medicines you take, how much you take and how often (don’t forget vitamins and over-the-counter drugs). 

• Concerns or questions you have about your health. 

• Any problems you’re having or changes you’ve noticed. 

During your checkup, remember to ask questions if you’re unsure of anything. Make sure you understand your doctor’s instructions or any next steps you may need to take. 

Not all doctor visits are the same. 

It’s important to know the difference between preventive and diagnostic care. Preventive care includes things like checkups and tests to help catch problems early on or keep them from starting. Diagnostic care includes tests and exams that are done if you have symptoms of a health problem, and the doctor wants to find out why. 

More health tips from Anthem. 

To learn more about all the ways you can stay healthy, visit our website. Our team of experts is always sharing new health tips, topics, and preventive care programs for you and your family to use.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield is a community partner of Chippewa Valley Family.