5 Easy Tips for Making Your Family More Eco-Friendly

You could melt polar ice caps with all the heat the topic of going green gets online. Between conflicting scientific opinions and the humorous (albeit completely false) drudgery of anonymous Internet trolls, it’s difficult for us normal, everyday folk to figure out just how we’re supposed to single-handedly save the polar bears, the bees, and the whole planet. Not everyone can afford to put up giant solar panels, and not everyone has the space or time to plant a garden that will produce everything they’ll need for the year. But instead of giving up on the whole idea of going green, it’s easier to get started if you just take one little bite out of the whole environmentally friendly pie at a time.


Consider the amount of pollution created just to get products you use every day from the manufacturer to your pantry. Whenever possible, buy from farmers’ markets and retailers that peddle locally produced wares. Not only will you be reducing the amount of greenhouse gases created when products are trucked in, but you’ll also be giving a boost to the local economy.


The average cell phone lasts around 18 months, and if they just get dumped in landfills the phones and their batteries introduce toxic substances into our environment. There are many reputable companies that will recycle your cell phones for free, but consider charitable organizations like cellphonesforsoldiers.com that turn old cell phones into opportunities for those in need.


Your bank and utility companies probably offer incentive programs to get you to ditch the paper statement and go green with online billing. By switching to paperless statements, you’ll not only save some trees but possibly some cash as well. Many companies offer discounts or small monetary rewards for making the switch.


Plastic bags are not biodegradable. This means they are making their way into our oceans and subsequently the food chain. Stronger, reusable bags are an inexpensive and readily available option.


If you’re packing lunches for you and the family every day, you probably go through a mountain of plastic baggies a year. But most disposable items can be easily replaced by reusable ones. Try inexpensive stainless steel cutlery, cloth napkins, and reusable containers.

Once you make these small changes in your every day life, you’ll find that going green isn’t so difficult after all. And with any luck, you’ll be on your way to rescuing a polar bear in no time.