Baby It’s Cold Outside this winter, bundle up and be safe

V1 Staff |

With all the outside activities that winter has to offer, you don’t want to miss out on the fun because of the cold. But you also don’t want to put you or your family in danger because of frigid temps. Make note of what to look for when it comes to hypothermia and how to respond if it occurs.

What To Do

If you notice any of these signs, take the person’s temperature. If it is below 95°, the situation is an emergency – get medical attention immediately.

If medical care is not immediately available, begin warming the person, as follows:

• Get the victim into a warm room or shelter.

• If the victim has on any wet clothing, remove it.

• Warm the center of the body first – chest, neck, head, and groin – using an electric blanket, if available. Or use skin-to-skin contact under loose, dry layers of blankets, clothing, towels, or sheets.

• Warm beverages can help increase the body temperature, but do not give alcoholic beverages. Do not try to give beverages to an unconscious person.

• After body temperature has increased, keep the person dry and wrapped in a warm blanket, including the head and neck.

• Get medical attention as soon as possible.

Warnings Signs of Hypothermia


• Shivering, exhaustion
• Confusion, fumbling hands
• Memory loss, slurred speech
• Drowsiness


•Bright red, cold skin
•Very low energy