Wisconsin Drinks the Most ... Hooray?

James Johonnott |

Filed under "statistics that surprise absolutely no one." See a bigger version.

It's common knowledge among Wisconsinites that we're the biggest drinkers in America. What with the state's surplus of bars and breweries and its strong German heritage, this should come as little surprise to the rest of the country. But, in case there are any doubts that Oregon's menagerie of microbrews, Texas's beer-guzzling cowboys, or California's rolling hills of wineries might have us beat, we've got you covered. Detox.net did a study of drinking in America with statistics ranging from 2011 to 2013, and the results reinforce everything that I ever knew about drinking in Wisconsin. Both good and bad.

What on Earth is going on in the midwest? See a biggie.

Wisconsinites take the lead in percentage of drinkers, heavy drinkers, and binge drinkers. The runner up in all of those categories is Washington D.C., which I suppose says something about the people running the country. In terms of number of drinkers in Wisconsin, we come statistically close to states in the upper northeast (like Massachusetts and Vermont) and upper west (like Montana and North Dakota). Heavy drinking is distributed pretty evenly across the country, while Wisconsin sits at the center of a cluster of midwestern states that have a lot of binge drinkers. Heavy drinking and binge drinking both carry the risks of severe health problems, so not all of these statistics are worth celebrating.

 Click over to Detox.net to read the full story.