4 Weird Eau Claire laws that are still on the books

V1 Staff |

Every town has weird and/or outdated laws on the books – unneeded stuff that's rarely enforced or even thought about. Check out some of Eau Claire's zany laws and ordinances …

1. No Public Mounting

“Do not let your bull mount any cow, or your horse mount any mare within the city limits, unless in an enclosed place out of public view, far enough away from other private residences as to not be offensive.” (Gratuitous cow sex was obviously a big problem at some point in local history.)

2. You Can't Beat It

“Do not unnecessarily, inhumanely, or cruelly beat, injure, or otherwise abuse any dumb animal, within city limits.” (We couldn’t find a similar statute prohibiting the beating intelligent animals, so apparently that border collie is fair game?)

3. Not a Bit of Spit

“No person shall spit, expectorate or deposit any sputum, spittle, saliva, phlegm, mucus, tobacco juice, or wads of tobacco upon the floors or stairways or any part of a public hall or building, upon the floor or any part of a railroad car or street car, or any other public conveyance, avenue, or highway in the city, or upon the sidewalks of any public street.” (Sputum?)

4. Shoots & Arrows

“No person shall throw or shoot any object, arrow, stone, snowball, or other missile or projectile by hand or by any other means at any person or at, in or into any building, street sidewalk, alley, highway, park, playground, or other public place within the City, provided the Chief of Police may grant a permit for archery for not more than one year.” (Yep – snowball fighting’s illegal. But if you really need to shoot some arrows, there’s a permit.)