5 Local Neighborhood Numbers

V1 Staff, photos by Andrea Paulseth |

A lil' South Side Eau Claire neighborliness.
A lil' South Side Eau Claire neighborliness.

Take a quick look at some local statistics* exposing how we feel about own neighborhoods and our neighbors!


75% of Eau Claire residents say their neighborhood is an excellent or good place to live. Not bad at all. But what is the other 25% looking to change or add? Here are ten great ideas.


A whopping 95% of Eau Claire residents say their neighborhood is safe during the day. Not surprising considering the area is somewhat famous for its safety.


Only 37% of Eau Claire residents talk or visit with neighbors at least a few times a week. This isn't great. We can do better – and we should. Start here.


The number of officially designated neighborhood associations in the city of Eau Claire. Do you live in one of these neighborhoods? Find out.


Eau Claire originally had five neighborhood associations: Historic Randall Park, Mt. Washington, North River Fronts, North Side Hill, and Third Ward. Here's how you can start your own.

Check out a few more local and national neighborhood statistics in Volume One's new Rebuilding Our Neighborhoods issue.

*Sources: City of Eau Claire; National Citizen Survey of Eau Claire (2012)