The most holy of fried fishes

Mike Paulus |

Ah, the sacred church fish fry. Personally, I think it’s ironi-larious that people give up eating meat on Fridays during Lent to fulfill the whole “I’m making a sacrifice” clause of ... I don’t know, the bible or something. And instead, they stuff piles of delicious fried fish into their face, followed up by those little cups of ice cream with a tiny wooden spoon. Hey, if your religious beliefs require a sacrifice, make a sacrifice, I say. From on high.

That said, don’t you dare change a thing, Catholics. I love stuffing my face with piles of delicious fried fish. It’s a late winter tradition that transcends religious beliefs and denominations, and it crosses most socioeconomic lines (at least, the socioeconomic lines you find around these parts). Good fried fish is good fried fish, baby. And while an armada of local restaurants claim to have the best fish fry in town, there’s nothing quite like navigating the feeding frenzy of a church cafeteria fish fry. Or an Eagle’s Club fish fry. Or a Lion’s Club one. Or the Elks Club. Or the Wombat Club. More on this from As Seen In

Anyway, around these parts, I know St. Olaf’s and Immaculate Conception have an armistice agreement where they alternate their Friday Feeds – one doing a fish fry, the other doing a fish boil.

But what else? What churches have the best fry?