WI Senate says, “No texting whilst driving!”

Mike Paulus |

Seeing someone talk on a cell phone while driving almost swerving their car into you is annoying enough, but seeing someone typing on their tiny cell phone keypad as they shimmy all over the highway is enough to drive us crazygonuts. And soon, it might be illegal in Wisconsin. From JSOnline:

  • A bill to ban texting while driving passed the Senate with overwhelming support from both parties and is headed to the Assembly.
  • An Assembly committee could hear a bill on texting as early as next week. Assembly leaders have not said whether they will take up the bill.
  • Lawmakers pushing the bill said texting while driving was especially dangerous because people were looking more at their cell phone than at the road.

The article says “several studies” show texting to be as distracting as being drunk – for drivers of all ages – and that’s a pretty easy statement to believe. How many people do/did you know in college who claimed to be an “awesome drunk driver?” And how many people do know make jokes about looking up at the road from their phone and realizing “Holy crap, I just drove 2 miles without looking up!” Both those groups of people (of which we're sure none of you belong) should be confined to bicycle travel. No offense, bikers.

Opponents to Wisconsin's no-text bill say it’s not needed because there’s already laws against inattentive driving.