Wisconsin Congressman in new Michael Moore film

Mike Paulus |

Whether it makes you happy or sad, Michael Moore’s newest documentary, Capitalism: A Love Story, has yet to be placed in a Chippewa Valley theatre. I guess the movie brokers down in Chicago (or wherever their little office is located) didn’t think it’d make much money up here. I really hope the film comes to a local theatre, though, because it apparently features Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan (R). According to a story (which I believe is an opinion piece) from The Cap Times, Ryan “is shown playing the fear card by telling the House that it had to steer almost $800 million to Wall Street's sleaziest players.” They say …

  • "If we fail to do the right thing, heaven help us - if we fail to pass this I fear the worst is yet to come," claimed Ryan.
  • The statement from the Wisconsin Republican who has positioned himself as a budget specialist in the House played a significant role in securing support for a bailout bill that had not been adequately analyzed and that included few protections against fraud.
  • Had Ryan used his reputation and his role on key committees to aggressively oppose the bailout, he might have blocked the rush to judgment that economists now say could end up costing American taxpayers trillions of dollars - and a big chunk of their country's future.

I don’t know if you’ll agree with everything the Cap Times writer has to say on all this, but it’s obvious that Ryan pushed for bailout funds for banks – while car factories are closing in his home town of Janesville and elsewhere in his own district. It’s not always fun to see Wisconsinites in the moobies.