Llama Movie Highlights Nearby Town. Woo-hoo.

Mike Paulus |

When I was a chubby fifth grader, my parents moved to Hammond, Wis. for 7 months and my life ended. I went from a tiny Catholic school to a giant rural school. I did not fit in and life sucked. I whined so much that my family moved back to Eau Claire. The end.

Speaking of Hammond, they have an annual llama-based event. Who knew? And according to the Leader-Telegram, Minneapolis short filmmaker Heidi Freier has made a documentary on the event, known as “Running of the Llamas.” Besides filming the llamas, she fell in love with them. Watch as the L-T allows the love story to unfold …

  • While filming at two area llama farms, Freier and one of her crew members, Michael Bartsch, unexpectedly became smitten with llamas. Freier said she and her crew enjoyed the days they spent filming the llamas, and the film soon became more than just about the event.
  • "The film is a celebration of llamas, a unique small-town event and the people who make it happen," Freier said in a news release.

A celebration of llamas? Hmm. Despite all the llama madness, I still very much dislike Hammond, Wis. It’s nothing personal.