Opening Shots

Opening Shot | July 4, 2013

photos by Nick Meyer |

LOOKING FOR A SIGN?  Several additional bicycle and pedestrian signs were installed in late June throughout parts of Eau Claire’s paved trail network. The trails wind around the city and on several paths throughout downtown along rivers and lakes. Helping illustrate how well-connected the Valley really is for recreational biking, the new signs point the way to nearby locations like parks and libraries, but also to further away destinations like Altoona and Chippewa Falls.
LOOKING FOR A SIGN? Several additional bicycle and pedestrian signs were installed in late June throughout parts of Eau Claire’s paved trail network. The trails wind around the city and on several paths throughout downtown along rivers and lakes. Helping illustrate how well-connected the Valley really is for recreational biking, the new signs point the way to nearby locations like parks and libraries, but also to further away destinations like Altoona and Chippewa Falls.