Cover Art

On the Cover | Oct. 18, 2012

learn about this issue's cover art by Keith Kohrs

“Spiders” by Keith Kohrs
Format: acrylic on tyvec, 24x36

Keith Kohrs
Keith Kohrs

“Spiders was created as an ode to an era. Found in an antique shop, this ambiguously iconic bust is now sharing space with plaster and plastic jewelry. Even though the bust was found on the lowest level of the display case it was generously back-lit by a retro vanity lamp and sunlight from a nearby window. This was a great opportunity to exploit the ironic beauty of this vessel. Lost and forgotten. Discovered only to be put on the lower shelf. There is a an obvious social and nostalgic frame of reference that this object provides. ‘One mans trash is another mans treasure.’ As consumers we are constantly barraged with new products, new systems of thought leading us to impractical ways of a better life. In short, the body of work that this comes from represents the revolution of the old to the new again. But, with the disposable community we are; what will we have left to show our future? Bring to light your lower shelves.” – The Artist








Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a letter.