Cover Art

On the Cover | Aug. 9, 2012

learn about this issue's cover art by Kaitlyn Bryan

“Untitled” by Kaitlyn Bryan
Archival pigment ink on paper, 12x16in, 2011

Kaitlyn Bryan
Kaitlyn Bryan

“This piece was created for a project for photography class where students were required to take pictures using unique viewpoints that are not commonly used in photography. Although the viewpoint is interesting in itself, what makes the picture even more visually intriguing is the crispness of the girls face and the rich colors of the sky and the grass. The reason the piece remains untitled is because I have heard several interpretations of it, and I think it’s important for people to view art and interpret it’s meaning in their own ways. To me, this piece represents a calm, peaceful mood that one feels while relaxing in the country on a brisk fall day.” – The Artist

What we were thinking: "Untitled, created by Kaitlyn Elizabeth Bryan was discovered last winter by our staff at a student art show within the Eau Claire Firehouse. The photograph is actually landscape oriented so we cropped slightly more than half of it to fit the ratio of the cover. The unique perspective in which the photograph was taken coupled with this cropping composes a very striking cover. The colors in the foreground and background are brilliant and the grass is very lush. The attire that the figure is wearing is more common in late September but this landscape can most certainly be related to Western Wisconsin this time of year." – V1 Designer Josh Smeltzer

Volume One finds its cover art in a number of ways, from local art shows to random emails to knowing someone who knows someone who knows a great artist. The art always originates from a current or former Chippewa Valley resident. If you'd like to submit cover art, send us a letter.