
THIS WEEK: Decadent Cabaret 2011

annual festival of rocking tributes returns to House of Rock

Scott Morfitt, photos by Frank H. Robinson |

Evergreen Grass Band’s GnR tribute from 2010.
Evergreen Grass Band’s GnR tribute from 2010.

Decadent Cabaret exemplifies itself in three ways. One is that they have the best adjective-noun combinations for describing an event. Just take a second and think about what you expect from a cabaret that is decadent. You get some pretty interesting images, depending on how far you let your mind wander. After all, it is a show that bills itself as, “A tradition of fishnet stockings and notoriously memorable musical performances.” Which brings us to Decadent Cabaret’s second point of intrigue; they consistently put together great band lineups and encourage the artistic experimentation with playing new music on stage. A great example of this is Meridene performing Meat Loaf and EverGreen Grass Band playing Guns N’ Roses, both of which happened last year. The third, and most interesting, part about this event is its longevity. The festival has run for 32 years, making it older than a good chunk of the musicians playing it. This year the weekend event features 20 bands ranging from FanOffBirdSafe and Duncan Ninja to The Gentle Guest and Jim Pullman Band, plus another 10 on the acoustic night (also featuring a six-person art show!). So, there will be some obvious variety. And lots of decadence.