Visual Art

Sculpture Exhibition Explores Female Viewpoint

Kelsey Swanson |

    There is a lot to be said for love and relationships, and so many different ways to say it. As the featured artist of the month at the Heyde Center in Chippewa Falls, Susan Sveda-Uncapher creates a small exhibition where a woman’s view of relationships is emphasized through conceptual sculptures offering open-interpretation. Using cast sugar molds, pencil, antiques, cooking pans, and more, Sveda-Uncapher is a process-oriented artist who stresses how materials are related to the idea of a piece in order to convey a message that will touch the viewer. Often, her works incorporate text, borrowing poems and writing her own treatises that appear in her sculptures as supplements to the physical nature of a particular piece. Sveda-Uncapher sometimes even makes text-embodied sculptures people can walk on “to show love can be like the disintegration of text,” she says, as each step takes a little piece of the work away while importantly shaping and defining it. So take a step into sculpture, where the nature of relationships is yours to determine.