
School Garden Teaches Sustainability, Eating Local

Brittany Landorf |

Designed by Mike Goettl of Sustainable Landscaping, the student garden at Eau Claire’s DeLong Middle School demonstrates the integration of current green culture and education. The garden was grown for the purpose of instructing students in ways that they can eat local, healthy, and sustainable. Over the summer it is the site of the class “Eating Well: Growing Your Own Lunch,” which is taught by DeLong sixth grade teacher and student wellness group advisor Mikki Brettingen. In addition to spending time in the garden, the class includes trips to Sunbow Farms, the Farmers Market, and Castle Rock Farms. During the school year the produce in the garden will be tended by classes at DeLong, who will learn the importance of compost mulch, natural fertilizers, rain barrels, native plants, and growing healthy food, and will be sold in the DeLong Arts, Crafts, and Music Fair on October 17.